The story behind the Facebook of a dead person messages who messages a Netizen and calling for help

A Netizen is calling for help after a Facebook of a dead person messaged him and calling for help, this post gave chills to many Netizens worldwide and now they are trying to solve the mystery of this allegedly haunted Facebook account.

According to the poster named John Ray Garcia, he noticed that he is already acting weirdly because of a bad dream that happened on his 25th birthday and he tell the story by posting it on Facebook.





Photo Credits: John Ray Garcia



Photo Credits: Jerben Camique Borela

After experiencing many paranormal happenings since the said nightmare started, a man messages him on Facebook and calling for help, after looking at the profile of the person that messages him, John Ray found out that the owner of the Facebook account is already dead since last year.

Many Netizen who read the post also confirmed that the owner of the haunted Facebook account is already dead. Relatives of Jerben also denied that they know or someone knows the Facebook account of their dead relative.

John Ray is now calling for some spiritualist who will help him to put away the bad spirit that haunted him, he also tried to block the haunted Facebook but every time that he block him, his connection is experiencing disruption.




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