Noli De Castro supports President Duterte, his daughter admits.

Netizens were curious if the former Vice President and legendary news anchor Noli De Castro is a supporter of President Rodrigo Duterte.

Now the question was already answered by his daughter and Department of Tourism Undersecretary Kat De Castro.

Netizen Duke Boyeth asked the daughter of De Castro on her social media account if her father was a supporter or critic of the President.

Kat De Castro answered and she confirmed that her father loves President Rodrigo Duterte, but because of his job as a journalist, he must still serve the people and inform the government if there’s something wrong.

“He loves Duterte. As a journalist, he sometimes has to nudge the government if there is an issue that needs attention.” De Castro replied.

During the election period, Noli De Castro has gone viral on the internet after he allegedly endorsed President Rodrigo Duterte on TV Patrol.

Shockingly, his daughter Kat De Castro revealed that she was so close with President Duterte and shared a #DuterteStory in her timeline that also became viral.

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