On his day 1, President Duterte ordered all government agencies to reduce requirements and processing time of applications

On President Duterte’s speech, the Punisher ordered all government agencies to reduce requirements and processing time of all applications, remove redundant requirements and stop from bending and changing the rules of government contracts that caused by corruption.

“I direct all the department secretaries and the heads of agencies to reduce requirements and the processing time of all applications from the submission to release. I direct all the department secretaries and the heads of agencies to remove redundant requirements and compliance with one department or agency shall be accepted as sufficient for all. I direct all the department secretaries and the heads of agencies to refrain from changing and bending the rules of government contracts, transactions and projects already approved and awaiting implementation”

President Rody Duterte said in front of his Cabinet Secretaries and guests.

The punisher said that changing the rules of contracts in government is wrong and he wants transparency during his term.

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