WATCH: Jordanian actress Mais Hamdam mocks Filipino English accent

Filipinos are being respected all around the world as being one of the best American English speakers. That’s why some BPO companies didn’t hesitated to invest in our country.

However, some people didn’t appreciated the talent of the Filipinos like the Jordanian actress Mais Hamdam who made fun with the accent of some Filipinos that she encountered.

In a talk show entitled Lahonwbas, Hamdam impersonated the Filipinos who speaks english with their native accent while laughing during their discussion with comedian Hicham Haddad.

Hamdan impersonated the common sentences used by Filipinos while catering to the needs of their customers such as:

“How are you Maám and Sir? Good morning. How are you today?”

“Marry Christmas (instead of Merry Christmas). Maám today, we have a new collaction (instead of collection).”

“You can buy everything at 50%. Maám we that one in black, and that one in yellow.”

“No Maám, we don’t have red in that one. If you want that one Maám, I will call my supervisor, and get from the other store. I will ask that one.”

“Maám, if you come back tomorrow that 50% will finish. Maám you’re so pretty. Oh, my God, she is so pretty.”

The viral video fueled anger among Filipinos who were offended by the action of Hamdan.

Some of them labeled the actress ‘racists’ and attacked her on social media.

They also demanded an apology from Hamsan who’s still not yet releasing a statement on her recent actions.

Hamdam who gathered millions of followers on social media, deactivated her Facebook page for not still known reason.

Hamsan’s Facebook page with 5.4m likes was deactivated.

Her Instagram account is also active, but she also disallowed anyone to comment on her posts.

You can watch the whole video here:

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