President Duterte to Americans “if you are planning to go to the Philippines, you get a VISA”

President Duterte released another hard hitting words against the United States of America during his speech at the Philippines-China Trade and Investment forum in Beijing Thursday (Oct 20).

The President of the Philippines already gave a hint the the days where the Americans are coming in and out of the country because of the VISA Free privilege are nearing their end.

Duterte believes that Filipinos experience discrimination when they go to the United States of America.

“Filipinos who go to America and who have the money, they are not just only berated in the visa control, in the consular office.. they are humiliated. And so maybe- Is there American here? If you are planning to go to my country, you get a visa from where you come from. Maybe it’s about time,”

Netizens reacted to the statements of President Duterte, some of them believe that the US Embassy is very strict in accepting VISA applicants because Filipinos are only trying to work there as an illegal immigrant.

Netizens also shared there discrimination experience while applying US Visa.




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