Former CEO of Procter and Gamble, Coca-Cola praised Pres. Duterte: “His intentions are pure. He is a man of action”

James Michael Lafferty, the former CEO of Procter and Gamble, former CEO of Cola-Cola and current CEO of British American Tobacco praised President Duterte in his article that he written in

The copy of the article of Mr. Lefferty has gone viral on Facebook after Republic Defenders posted it.

James Michael said that President Duterte is not a “NATO” kind of leader and he always ‘walk the talk’. He believes that President Duterte loves his country.

“We can argue about what is right for Philippines, but we cannot credibly argue the man’s intentions. He truly wants what is best for his nation and is willing to take flak for it. This selflessness is truly commendable”

He also cheered President Duterte and urged him to continue what he’s doing right now and don’t mind the people who criticised him.

“There is an old saying in the Arab world, “The dogs bark, yet the caravan still passes.” Let the dogs bark. And keep doing what you think is right.”

Duterte supporters praised James Michael Lafferty for defending President Duterte against the criticisms that he received in the west after he announced his separation with United States.


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