Mayor Duterte statement about the Australian Rape Joke Issue

Mayor Duterte is again attacked by his enemies after his joke about an Australian Hostage who raped by his captors has gone viral online.

Many Netizen are disappointed by the Mayor’s statement, including the activist who fight for women rights. But according to Duterte’s supporters, the video was cut for some purpose.

The Davao City Mayor finally speaks about the issue and he told the media about the full story behind his controversial joke.

According to the Netizen who supported Duterte, the Mayor is the one who tried to save the Australian Hostag and he ordered the police to shoot all the hostage takers after finding out the the hostages are already dead.

The supporters of Mayor Duterte are also disappointed because many people didn’t researched about the controversial statement of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.

He also apologized to the people who became disappointed because of his joke.



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