Media misheard Widodo? Indo speaking folks translated President Duterte: “Go ahead, but I do “NOT” want an execution..”

Netizens thinks that Indonesian President Joko Widodo was misheard by some journalist who interviewed him. 

Sass Rogando Sassot was doubtful in the translation of some media outlets at Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s statement about his talks with President Duterte about the fate of Veloso

A friend of Sass who speaks Indonesian accurately translated the statement of President Widodo.

His transcription:
“…Mary Jane. Dan saya bercerita bahwa Mary Jane itu membawa 2,6 kilo heroin dan saya cerita mengenai (apa) penundaan eksekusi yang kemarin. Presiden Duterte saat itu menyampaikan silahkan gak memang mau dieksekusi”

His translation:
“…Mary Jane. And I said Mary Jane was bringing 2.6 kilos of heroin and(I told him) the story about (what) the previous postponement of her execution. President Duterte at that moment conveyed, “Go ahead, but I do not want an execution..”

“Indonesian media misheard. They heard: “Presiden Duterte saat itu menyampaikan silahkan kalau memang mau dieksekusi.”
They heard “kalau” =if. But if you listen closely Jokowi said “gak”=no/do not.” Sass friend said to her


President Widodo is still not confirming if his statement was really misheard by the media.

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