Supporters of Mar Roxas admitted getting paid by commenting bad things against other presidentiables



Netizen admitted that she was getting paid by commenting bad things against other presidentiables. According to the source, you must comment good things about Mar Roxas if the topic posted on Facebook is about the presidential election.

“Copy Paste Lang!, may money na kami” The netizen said to our source.

The print screen of her conversation with other friend has gone viral on the internet, supporters of other presidentiables shows their disappointment after knowing that many people was getting paid just to destroy the other presidential aspirants to give some advantage to Mar Roxas.

But the supporters of Mar Roxas denied the allegation and said that they are not getting paid to become a yellow army.

“We believe that Mar Roxas is a complete package, that’s why we are supporting him for free” One of the supporters of Mar Roxas said to our source.

Last week, there is some allegation that the supporters of Mar Roxas is hiring some people who will join the social media to comment good things about the LP Standard Bearer, but no one really proves the existence of the allegation.

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