Good News: PNP, AFP, BFP and Coast guard personnels to receive 20 kilos of rice per month


Members of PNP, AFP, BFP and PCG are very happy to know that they would receive additional benefits starting next month.

Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno said yesterday that starting on September, the uniformed personnel will receive a rice allowance of 20 kilos per month.

The beneficiaries include the entire 130,000 members of Armed Forces of the Philippines; 150,000 in the PNP; 22,729 from the Bureau of Fire Protection and 8,835 from the Philippine Coast Guard.

This program is part of President Duterte’s promise to the uniformed personnel since the election period that he will give additional benefits to them.

Diokno didn’t say how much the rice allowance will cost the government, but the rice is likely would be supply by the National Food Authority (NFA)

The Budget Secretary also explained that the most awaited 100% increase salary to the uniformed personnel will not happen this year.

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